January Committee News
Please find below a synopsis of discussion at the HRR Committee Meeting
The money collected at the Christmas dinner will be split between 2 charities, Rugby for Hero’s & the Doddie Weir Foundation each will receive £130.
You may have seen that the 2019 Law Book on the street, the RFU has taken the decision not to buy printed copies for Societies. As far as I know there are no major changes from 2018. The new version can be downloaded here.
So that we are able to keep a track of our finances, if there are any members that have not claimed expenses this season please can you make a claim now.
The committee had a wide-ranging discussion across a number of topics in order to audit and ascertain how we were serving your interests.
Appointments: Generally speaking the system was working within the bounds of what HRR can control. There was good notice of appointments and Gareth was monitoring the statistics to try to ensure all members had a fair crack of the whip. A review of match levels will take place at the end of the season.
Training: A good programme was in place with good attendance at meetings. We would in future look to see how we could push the boundaries by having more training outside the 3rd Monday. This could be fitness training or other meetings for small groups.
Development & Resources: A Vimio channel was being set up so that if you get filmed refereeing a match this can be uploaded and made available for all to watch (more details to follow). HRR will undertake to carry out some filming of referees for development.
Recruitment: There is a need to reinvigorate the buddy scheme which was very successful and to ensure better contact is made with L2 courses as they happen.
HRR Comms: I will undertake to brief the membership on committee meetings and give an update once per month.
Finance: Managed well.
Safeguarding: No issues all processes are in place.
Safety: If there was a safety issue raised against a referee HRR needed a process in place to insure correct actions were taken. A process would be drafted.
YMO: Need to understand how the scheme is developing and what actions are needed to take it forward.